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Organization Savvy Self-Assessment

Organizational Savvy Self-Assessment

Under-political people equate all company politics with evil, sleazy tactics and avoid entering the arena at all. They often wind up surrendering power, influence, and resources to overly political colleagues. Now you can assess your current ability to use ethical political savvy and learn how to gain organizational impact with integrity.

What is the Organizational Savvy Self-Assessment? A quick screening tool to survey your abilities in 13 categories of high-integrity organizational politics.

Who Is It Aimed At? The Self-Assessment is meant for executives, managers, professionals, or individual contributors who want to measure their skill level and better understand the components of ethical politics on the job and in other organizational settings.

Do I Need the Book to Benefit? No. People often complete the instrument after reading Survival of the Savvy in order to reinforce what they have learned, set goals, and monitor their progress. Others use the Self-Assessment to identify their strengths and weaknesses, glean quick tips for improvement, and get a clear sense of how the book will help them hone their skills in specific areas. Each Savvy Skill Set on the Self-Assessment corresponds to one or more chapters in the book, but the two resources have stand-alone benefit.

What's the Take-Away Value? First, you'll discover any blind spots you have in the arena of organizational politics. You will also learn many components of organizational savvy simply by rating yourself on each Skill Set item. Finally, regardless of how well you currently function, the recommendations for improvement in the Interpretation Guide will kick-start your journey to more successful navigation of organizational politics.

The Organizational Savvy Self-Assessment is a 65-item rating instrument that yields an Overall Organizational Savvy Score and 13 separate Skill Set Scores. The 18-page Scoring and Interpretation Guide provides a profile of your strong points and gaps. For each of the 13 Savvy Skill Sets, you'll receive analysis that includes:

  Your Skill Set score and rating as Proficient, Capable, or Vulnerable
  A review of the five assessment items that comprise the Skill Set
  An explanation of the Skill Set's purpose and impact
  Specific pointers and recommendations for improvement
  A list of related chapters in the book, Survival of the Savvy

$50 - Take The Online Self-Assessment

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For information about volume discounts for 50 or more assessments, call Brandon Partners at 415-389-4740 and refer to the Organizational Savvy Self-Assessment.

You may also email survey@brandonpartners.com for customer service or questions.

Return Policy: Once you order this powerful instrument you will have access to all 65 items and the 18-page scoring report, so there is no refund.

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